
     I see a problem across the western world in the way people define the value of life. They imagine it to be something irrational, and so they throw reason to the wind and try to base their views on feelings and wishful thinking.
     Truth does not depend on how we feel about it. If the value that we perceive is real, we can find a rational explanation.
     How do we know the value of life? Some say that it’s entirely a matter of faith; we cannot prove it. We believe what we want to. Others insist that we should back up our beliefs with reason. We can defend our views by appealing to a common standard.
     “Faith” people state their views as “take it or leave it. You have your view; I have mine.” 
     “Reason” people want to debate, but they often lose patience as they fail to persuade others.
     Before we try to correct each other’s views, we need to understand how we form our views in the first place. Forming a worldview is like painting a picture. We look at the world and paint it as we see it. Each of us is a painter trying to make a picture of reality. Our pictures look different, because we have different perspectives, but our pictures look similar, because we’re all human, living in the same world.